The Gift Card Scam

If you know anything about scams, you'll know they often revolve around gift cards. To call something "the gift card scam" would be inaccurate at best. The G2A Gift Card scam is only sort of a scam. Criminals will take stolen credit card details from various…

Goodbye, Authy

A while ago, I wrote a blog post mentioning that Authy discontinued their desktop app. What I forgot about at that moment was that the Authy Desktop app was one of the easiest ways to export your TOTP Secrets and move to another app. Now easiest ≠ easy. You had to…

Fizz Buzz

Some time during freshman year of College, a thousand flyers blanketed campus. This was nothing new, as students have been hanging flyers since the beginning of time. Flyers are supposed to have a literal stamp of approval from the college in order to be hung, though that policy is supposedly…

Used Domains

Today, I bought a domain, and I have some ideas for what I want to do with it. After buying, I pointed the nameservers to Cloudflare, used their DNS to point the domain at my server, and enabled email forwarding with a catch-all. I then checked the Wayback Machine to…

On finals

It's been about a week since I finished my final exams for my Fall 2024 semester. Fuck finals. "They are the worst idea I have ever heard of!" said every student who has ever had to take a final. Those students are right! For those of…

The Worst Manual

My grandmother called, her printer broke. The screen says that the absorber is full. Yuck. Let's pray that Canon made the absorber serviceable. I asked what the printer model it. She says it appears in her printer list as the "Canon PIXMA MG5300 Series". Okay well…

Logitech c920s

You have seen this webcam. You know this webcam. You and your grandma have this webcam. The omnipresent Logitech c920s. The "s" stands for shit. You should have known it has bad form the moment it came with a free privacy shutter, because you're gonna need…

Enel X Abandoned

On Wednesday, Oct 2nd, 2024, at 7:05:19 AM Pacific Time, I received the following email from Enel X Way North America: TLDR: We're shutting down the company. Also, no more customer support for you, and the app will stop working too. The charger will still charge…