Hello Zee, Goodbye Future

You know those ugly battery cases that used to be all the rage? The ones with the giant chins and terrible MicroUSB connectors that sat offset from the charger? But hey, it was worth it for the additional battery life... or something. The problem was that it was another $60…

Bluesmart is dead, long live Bluesmart

I am currently writing this from an airport table in 🤮 New Mexico. I was dropped off by an Uber, found the terminal, and went inside to print my boarding pass. After a 10-minute wait in the TSA line, I approached the check-in station where they check my ID… except they…

How VResh turned VRotten

One of my mothers is vegan, and somehow that's related to this story, apparently. My other mother doesn't have dietary restrictions, so they met in the middle and I ended up being vegetarian. When we went somewhere for food as a family, we needed somewhere vegan,…

Dear Walmart,

This is a spinoff of my "Dear Amazon" post. If you have not read that post first, stop now and do that. I was curious today if Walmart sold suicide cords, since I knew that they had 3rd-party sellers on their website. Here we go again. Aaaaand there&…

How to run out of space on an unlimited Google Drive.

I have used Google Drive for a long time. Back in elementary school, I was assigned a Google Drive account, and we used it for Google Docs and Slides and Sheets and Forms and Sites and all the wonderful things that Google had to offer. That was a time of…

A story about F12

The F12 key has existed for a long time—as far back as 1965, if Wikipedia is to be believed. Since then, it has had many uses. On Mac computers, the F12 key is used as the "volume up" key. On my Windows machine at work, the provided…

iOS apps don't work with SIP

A while ago, I got an in-app announcement that Authy Desktop was being discontinued. Well that's fine with me. My Mac supports iOS apps, so it should be pretty easy to download the mobile version from the App Store and sign in, right? Right? Seems promising enough... It…

America's Worst Freeway

In 1940, Europe was embroiled in war. The US hadn't been attacked by the Japanese yet, and thus had not gone to war. They were far too busy doing other things, like opening the nation's first freeway... which also happens to be its worst. While I…