Dear Walmart,

This is a spinoff of my "Dear Amazon" post. If you have not read that post first, stop now and do that. I was curious today if Walmart sold suicide cords, since I knew that they had 3rd-party sellers on their website. Here we go again. Aaaaand there&…

How to run out of space on an unlimited Google Drive.

I have used Google Drive for a long time. Back in elementary school, I was assigned a Google Drive account, and we used it for Google Docs and Slides and Sheets and Forms and Sites and all the wonderful things that Google had to offer. That was a time of…

A story about F12

The F12 key has existed for a long timeā€”as far back as 1965, if Wikipedia is to be believed. Since then, it has had many uses. On Mac computers, the F12 key is used as the "volume up" key. On my Windows machine at work, the provided…

iOS apps don't work with SIP

A while ago, I got an in-app announcement that Authy Desktop was being discontinued. Well that's fine with me. My Mac supports iOS apps, so it should be pretty easy to download the mobile version from the App Store and sign in, right? Right? Seems promising enough... It…

America's Worst Freeway

In 1940, Europe was embroiled in war. The US hadn't been attacked by the Japanese yet, and thus had not gone to war. They were far too busy doing other things, like opening the nation's first freeway... which also happens to be its worst. While I…

The quest to save some notes as a PDF

I write notes in college by hand, with an Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) on an iPad Pro 11-inch (2018). It's perfect... almost. I have this quite annoying issue when I try to export my notes, like when I need to submit homework. The "save as image"…

Car firmware should be open source

Dear Hyundai, Please open up your car firmware to everyone. Thank you and best regards, Liv I own a 2022 Hyundai Kona. I love it, most of the time. But there is one gripe with it that gets me annoyed quite often. Most cars today are able to detect when…

JSON is not a programming language

...sigh The person featured in this post gave their consent to their name being used... for some reason This story begins in the Rec Room Discord server. Why is this not the first blog post I've made that begins there? Or the second? Regardless, we begin here. There…