Hello Zee, Goodbye Future

You know those ugly battery cases that used to be all the rage? The ones with the giant chins and terrible MicroUSB connectors that sat offset from the charger?

But hey, it was worth it for the additional battery life... or something. The problem was that it was another $60 every time you got a new phone. What if you could swap out a battery module into a cheap plastic case every time you upgraded?

That was all that that Aharon Elgrissy needed to start Hello Zee. One patent later...

patent diagram for a phone case with battery module and phone

Now you may notice something about that lightning connector...

incredibly flat and thin microusb to lightning cable
thinner than paper jfc

It wouldn't exactly be Apple-approved, if it were to exist at all... But we'll burn that bridge when we get to it, or however the saying goes.

Let's focus on that module.

patent diagram showing the battery module

What if the battery module did more than just battery? What else can we stuff into there? Let's throw everything at the wall, and see what sticks.

  • what if it was external storage? done.
  • what if it added Qi wireless charging? done.
  • what if it was an extra camera flash? done.
  • what about 6? done.
hello zee battery module

Yes, 6 extra LEDs for your hardcore photo-taking... I guess. Oh, and they can light up in time with music, so that's fun. All at once, not in a pattern though 🙁.

Now you may look at the core and say... there's no way that you charge plugged into that back port... right?


Oh my god.

screenshot of video of man plugging cable into direct back of phone.
Credit Hello Zee

It's so bad that it even stands up like that...

screenshot of device charging on table

Okay fine, so let's say you either put up with the terrible port position or only charge wirelessly... what happened to that cable issue from earlier?

box with zee core and blue cable, cable is thick and normal, not thin

Well that doesn't exactly look thin... so I guess they added a chin, just like Mophie...

No. It's worse. Far worse.

plastic case with a cube sticking out the bottom bigger than your mom

...what in the fuckin hell.

Who saw this and said "yes this is the good and correct option".

The entire industry had a chin, but you chose violence, and tried to market it as a "convenient way to attach a chain".

Image Credit - Josh Miller/CNET

So... who bought this thing? Well I did, for some reason. I liked it, too! But that cable ended up dying, making it useless. I managed to grab a replacement before the company went under (spoiler alert) and that one died out too. Another issue was that with the iPhone X, the camera went vertical, leaving not enough room for the core.

Somehow they managed to make not only the worst cable, but the best one too! The microUSB cable in the box is so good, that it is still my favorite microUSB cable.

blue flat microUSB cable plugged into ZEE case

Written along the cable (and the back of the case!) is "Hello Zee, Hello Future", so I get a little reminder of the company every time I need a microUSB cable.

So... how do you use the storage and light? Well the app requires a login and the servers are dead, so I can't exactly show you.

screenshot of Zee Core app login screen

But you pretty much just had to use their terrible UI to transfer photos and videos, as well as music, and you couldn't use them in other apps until you transferred them back. So you either had to view/listen to them in the Zee Core app, or swap the files back and forth.

Well I guess this is the story of a clearly ambitious and promising company that got taken out by a couple poor design decisions, and some very inconvenient camera placement on the iPhone X.

Oh my god they made the cases for iPad too???

screenshot of video showing 2 ipad-size cases for zee cores
screenshot of video showing backs of cases of ipads and iphones

Also I randomly found this within the app files for some reason.

black and white sketch of human face
found as "settings-face.png". maybe a profile pic in the credits in the settings? 🤷