Why does nobody sell 22" 4K monitors?

As both people who read this blog know, I am a Macbook user. I have used various models for years now, but I got my first "Retina" Mac back in 2016. Retina is a mildly useful marketing term meaning that your eye can't make out the…

Goodbye, Rec Room.

The following is the exact review I left for the game on Steam. If you would like to read it there instead, click here. 1,743 hours. That is how much time I have spent playing this game, according to Steam. This, of course, does not include time spent playing…

Dunning, Kruger, and Chromebook

This will be another story about an interaction on Discord. For the first one, see the bagel post. The user that this post frequently mentions has consented to their name being used. I was chatting on Discord a day or two ago, and a user asked about how to get…

Dear Discord,

Go. Fuck. Yourself. Today, you decided to kick off everyone who manually overrode your mobile UI update. (Dear RR discord mods, for all intents and purposes, everything below is a lie and photoshopped) For a long time, I used your stock app. You have finally pushed me to reinstall Enmity.…

AVPlayer in weird places

In order to view a livestream on Apple devices, you need to use AVPlayer, and pass in an HLS m3u8 stream. The thing is, you can use an AVPlayer in pretty much any context, even in places where you wouldn't expect to be able to use AVPlayer. I…


You may have noticed that some (or all) of the images in every post before this one are just completely gone. TL;DR: I ran docker system prune -af instead of docker image prune -a. Oops! So I host a video game server for a few friends, and it crashed.…

Rudolph the yellow-nosed vehicle

"Oh won't you guide my drive tonight" When I got my car (2022 Hyundai Kona), something interesting I noticed was a yellow light inside the front logo. The job of this light is to indicate that the main 400v EV battery is charging the the 12v…

Have a wonderful Shabbat and kindest regards

Have a wonderful Shabbat and kindest regards, Liv Those are the closing words to a 500-word angry rant I submitted to Rec Room support 6 hours ago. This story begins in the Rec Room Discord server, when I sent a screenshot of my Duolingo streak. In the discussion that followed,…