Have a wonderful Shabbat and kindest regards,
Those are the closing words to a 500-word angry rant I submitted to Rec Room support 6 hours ago.
This story begins in the Rec Room Discord server, when I sent a screenshot of my Duolingo streak.

In the discussion that followed, someone asked what language I was learning.

To this, I responded that it was Hebrew.

The person then replied, asking why I chose Hebrew.

I responded saying that it was because I was a Jew, but I don't have a screenshot of the message. That's because it was instantly deleted by the automatic (piece of shit) moderation bot that they have set up in the server. It's name is Dyno.
It then immediately told me off, reminding me to watch my language.

I was, at the time, very puzzled.

I eventually figured out that what was triggering it was the word "Jew"

This prompted some mild joking, before I started taking it seriously.

What really made me annoyed was that they didn't ban all religions or ethnicities. Just Jews.

As with any good text filtering system, I had a bypass in about 4 seconds.

I then immediately turned my attention to fixing the problem, by way of an angry Zendesk ticket.

You're never going to guess what I spent the next 45 minutes writing.
I began with an excellent opening move.

I then proceeded to write a wall of text, ripping the support team apart over a few different issues I've had with the Discord, culminating with an especially emotional section about the censorship of the word "Jew".

Over the 45 minutes it took to write, I had gotten more emotional and angry about the situation, especially after remembering that it was, in fact, Holocaust Remembrance Day. After thoroughly ripping them to pieces over the whole thing, I closed it off with a sarcastically cheerful signature.

After 4 hours, they responded. Typically, it takes them days. The problem, though, was with the response itself. If you, dear reader, haven't worked IT or customer service, there is the concept of the canned response. It is a prewritten response that you can drop in and send in 2 clicks. They can be super helpful, and I use them all the time in my job at IT.
Unfortunately for Rec Room, they decided to use a canned response to blow off my concerns.

For those of you who have never had the misfortune of interacting with Rec Room support, this is the canned response you get when you report a player for something they did in-game. Creating a ticket is how you submit things like video evidence when reporting someone.
A canned response for in-game reports is not, of course, what I was looking for...
So I ripped them to pieces again.

This time, they responded in 20 minutes. This is certainly the fastest response I have ever gotten from Rec Room support. Finally it was someone who actually paid attention to what I had to say. They addressed each issue in the original ticket individually, and apologized for their actions. What a nice breath of fresh air. I knew that my concerns had finally been seen by the right eyes, even if it took writing an essay on it first.

I dropped the angry tone, and thanked them for their apology. I'm a bit annoyed that they didn't mention the previous person's canned response, but this is as good a reply as I could have asked for.

This probably won't be the last post I make about Rec Room support, but hopefully it's the last one where I tell them to go to Poland.