
You may have noticed that some (or all) of the images in every post before this one are just completely gone. TL;DR: I ran docker system prune -af instead of docker image prune -a. Oops! So I host a video game server for a few friends, and it crashed.…

Rudolph the yellow-nosed vehicle

"Oh won't you guide my drive tonight" When I got my car (2022 Hyundai Kona), something interesting I noticed was a yellow light inside the front logo. The job of this light is to indicate that the main 400v EV battery is charging the the 12v…

Have a wonderful Shabbat and kindest regards

Have a wonderful Shabbat and kindest regards, Liv Those are the closing words to a 500-word angry rant I submitted to Rec Room support 6 hours ago. This story begins in the Rec Room Discord server, when I sent a screenshot of my Duolingo streak. In the discussion that followed,…

Swimming with the watches

I love swimming. I always have. Growing up, I swam in pools, lakes, and the ocean (Love ya, California). Just recently, I got certified for SCUBA diving as well. Point is, I like swimming. During the summer a few years back, I went to a summer camp (I have plenty…

Bagels are so chewy!

If you read this blog for nerdy tech shit, look away. This post is about bagels and religion. It's called "Liv's Thoughts" not "Liv's Technical Blog" I was talking in a Discord server and my former friend dropped this bombshell…

The Windows ZIP rant

Dear Bill Microsoft, Windows is the worst operating system I have ever had the displeasure of using, Best Regards, Liv Yesterday, I moved my machine learning environment from Mac to Windows, in hopes of converting it to TFjs. That did not work out very well. Part of that was transferring…

What happened to TensorFlow?

I created and currently maintain a Discord bot that is supposed to detect messages that indicate signs of suicide, and direct people to resources that can help. Originally, this was done with a list of key words and phrases that the bot checked each message against. From the beginning, the…

My IP address is

Yes, that's really it. If I go and search for "my IP", that's what shows up. You may be wondering to yourself, "is this girl a fucking idiot?", and I wouldn't blame you. Most people have heard a lot about…